Christian music has been enjoyed for centuries by those interested in an alternative to secular music. who is jesus music is mostly written to express one’s belief in their religious lifestyle, and offers listeners a chance for learning, worship and an overall listening experience in accordance to their Christian beliefs. Christian music has become very popular throughout the years and can now be classified into a number of different categories. We will examine some of the more popular genres of today’s Christian music.
Contemporary music literally covers all genres of new age Christian music, but is most commonly associated with a new movement of Christian music that has alternative rock, pop, and country sounds. The contemporary movement began in the 1960s, with this type of music then referred to as Jesus music. Some Christians dispute whether or not the contemporary tones fit into their religion, but contemporary is a popular genre that gives Protestant listeners an alternative faith-based style of music. The growth of contemporary styles has been strong since the mid 1990s, and newer artists and subgenres help to continue the expansion of Christian music.
Hip Hop
The words hip hop don’t exactly bring images of Jesus to one’s mind, but Christian rappers have attempted to change that. Sometimes called gospel rap, Christian hip hop is a refreshing alternative to secular rap music. Christian rap was started in the late 1980s and became increasingly popular throughout the late twentieth century because it offered an uplifting listening experience for youth with good beats and positive lyrics. Gospel rap allows urban neighborhoods to celebrate their faith while listening to a style of music they have been accustomed to and enjoy.
If gospel music does not fill your sole with spirit, then I am not sure what can! Gospel music is uplifting, inspiring, and fun to listen to. When most think of gospel music, churches in the south come to mind. In fact, gospel music has been thought to have started during times of slavery in the late 1800s. The genre of gospel became more defined and gained popularity in the first quarter of the twentieth century, and is now listened to worldwide. Gospel music is known for its strong vocals surrounded by electric guitars, bass, and drums. Gospel music thrives today and is certainly considered a staple of Christian music.
Christian Rock
Christian rock music covers a lot of ground with many different subgenres contained within the rock category. The “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll” explosion in the 1960s certainly made many Christians wary of jumping into the rock scene, but by the early 1970s Christian rock bands began to separate themselves from a demonic image, and instead produced Christian lyrics with rock tones. Today many bands are considered Christian rock artists, some more devoted to the Christian title than others. Although some might not realize this, the band U2 was a catalyst for Christian rock in the 1990s based on their enormous success beginning in the 1980s.
This is hardly a complete list of Christian music genres, but sampling some of these genres will give you a good taste of the great listening Christian music offers. Finding your favorite genre is important and will certainly enhance your experience. Being able to listen to your favorite Christian bands at home or on the go is a relaxing way to worship throughout the day.